Community Outcome Areas
Our community building work, including placemaking, events, and special initiatives, reflects our commitment to our mission. These efforts encompass all aspects of community life from arts and recreation, economic development, making connections and building relationships, and to making neighborhoods feel like home. We design our work to strategically support the ten Community Outcome Areas that are part of the Fairfax County Strategic Plan. By working in partnership with stakeholders across the county, our work overlaps with these ten areas.
Across this work, we share the One Fairfax focus on applying an equity lens to all our work, connecting the dots between our work and the Countywide focus on serving the people and places who lack equal access to opportunity, as set forth in their One Fairfax policy. Additionally, we share the focus set forth in the Strategic Plan to focus on data. We also strive to be a data driven organization to prioritize the needs of our community.
The 10 Community Outcome Areas are represented by these icons:
Impact in Action
Learn more below about what these impact areas look like in action and how they support the County’s strategic plan. Then look for the impact area icons across our work, starting with the Event Impact Showcase.